Cantonese Claypot Ricek | China

广式煲仔饭 釜飯

\ Ingredients

1. Large claypot 1

2. Rice 800g

3. Cantonese BBQ bacon 100g

4. Cantonese BBQ sausage 1

5. Leafy green vegetables 100g

6. Spring onion 1

7. Light soy sauce 2 tbsp

8. Oil 1 .5 tbsp

9. Egg 1

\ Recipe

1. Wash rice and soak in water for 30 minutes. Chop spring onion, cut bacon and sausage into slices.

3. Pour rice into a claypot, add oil and 600ml water, cover the lid and cook for 10 minutes.

4. Add bacon and sausage, turn the heat down, cover the lid and cook for 15 minutes.

5. Turn off the heat, spread vegetables over the rice, cover the lid and simmer for another 10 minutes.

6. Sprinkle with chopped spring onion, beat in a raw egg, pour over the light soy sauce and stir well.

\ Recommended Wine Pairing


