
发布人:德国葡萄酒 发布时间: 2024-06-13

盛夏将至,果香清新、酸甜平衡的德国雷司令白葡萄酒无疑是炎炎夏日的消暑神器,低度微醺的轻甜雷司令更是让无数葡萄酒小白一口爱上。由德国葡萄酒协会Wines of Germany主办的“无雷司令不夏天Summer of Riesling”大型消费者推广活动即将在7-8月如约而至,联合全国20多个城市的百余家餐厅及葡萄酒零售商店带来德国葡萄酒清凉促销。“无雷司令不夏天”开幕之际6月29日周六,德国葡萄酒协会携手沪上久负盛名的标志性海派文化地标——上海大世界,带来“无雷司令不夏天——德国葡萄酒嘉年华”狂欢派对!德国葡萄酒促销、创意美食摊位、城市音乐会、DJ现场打碟、欧洲杯1/8决赛超清大屏观赛,满满的活动日程嗨翻全场,带来一场德国葡萄酒与美食、足球、音乐的盛宴!

The summertime is coming! A glass of crispy and refreshing German Riesling is undoubtedly the ultimate summer refresher with its perfect balance of acidity and sweetness. In partnership with the iconic Shanghai Great World, a renowned symbol of the city's rich culture and history, Wines of Germany brings you "Summer of Riesling" German Wine Euro Cup Carnival, an exhilarating food, wine, music and football party, which features over 200 German wines promotion, a variety of food stalls, live concerts, DJ beats, and the UEFA Euro 1/8 finals on a super big screen!  


Carnival tickets are now on sale, Wines of Germany invites all foodies, wine lovers and football fans to join us! Enjoy 3 glasses of German wine (75ml) voucher and 1 street food voucher at 129 RMB, an early bird special offer for limited time! (Full price ticket at the door 159 RMB)



Watch the Euro Cup, raise a toast at the Great World!


The Great World stands as an esteemed icon of the city, steeped in a rich historical and cultural heritage while also embodying a chic and contemporary edge. With over 20 performance spaces, it offers a diverse array of musicals, dramas, talk shows, etc., deeply engaging with the chic young consumers. 


25 stalls 200+ German wines flash sales









With an abundant selection of 200+ German wines, it's truly unprecedented!

Savor the full spectrum of German wines in one go, and stock up for the whole summer!

Also we have not only Riesling, there's so much more varieties beyond!


Oyster, cold cuts and other street foods


The carnival will feature a wonderful array of food stalls, where freshly shucked oysters pair perfectly with white wines, alongside cold cuts, hams, Chinese dim sum, snacks, desserts, and other finger foods, offering you a gourmet feast throughout the day! 


Giant screen Euro Cup 1/8 finals live broadcast


Coinciding with the UEFA Euro 2024 hosted in Germany, from June 29th midnight, you will be able to watch live broadcast of the Euro Cup 1/8 finals on a giant screen. Cheer along with fellow football fans with a glass of German wine!


German win mini-class on every hour





下午至傍晚的每个整点,德国葡萄酒协会将组织多场德国葡萄酒小课堂,趣味主题带你入门葡萄酒的世界,打卡互动更有机会赢取德国百年水晶酒具品牌圣维莎Zwiesel Glas提供的精美礼品,以及德国雷司令插画帆布包等创意周边!

From afternoon on every hour, Wines of Germany will host multiple mini-classes on German wines, with engaging themes to guide you through the wine world. You may also win exquisite gifts sponsored by Zwiesel Glas, as well as creative merchandise like Riesling canvas bags!


Live music from afternoon to late night

下午4-6点,上海大世界品牌活动“大世界城市音乐会”登陆德国葡萄酒嘉年华,本场嘉宾是以流行语爵士曲为主的夏夜计划Summer Night乐队,将以新的音乐演艺激活百年老建筑,为市民游客呈现一场场视听的盛宴。音乐会后,德国葡萄酒协会将邀请知名DJ S.KIV现场打碟,引爆热力四射的夏日夜晚!

From 4 to 6 PM, you can enjoy Shanghai Great World's signature event "Great World Urban Concert" with the special guest Summer Night Band, known for their fusion of pop and jazz tunes. Following the concert, Wines of Germany will bring in the celebrated DJ S.Kiv to spin discs, unleashing a vibrant and fiery summer evening!


Don't miss this chance to savor every goal and every sip. Secure your tickets now! Early bird ticket at 129 RMB, including 3 German wine tasting vouchers (75ml each) & 1 street food treat.